Football: Boise tweet bites Ohio punter
< < Back to football-boise-tweet-bites-ohio-punterOne-hundred and forty characters isn't a lot of space to say something, but one Ohio football player said enough with one tweet.
After learning the Green-and-White's bowl destination was the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl in Boise, Idaho, Bobcats' punter Paul Hershey (@PHershey41) posted on his Twitter account "Idaho?? Who the (expletive) wants to play there in December??"
The backlash from the Twitter world was fast and ferocious.
@bobcatsteve: "If you don't choke vs. No. Illinois, you play in Detroit again…either way, you are screwed."
@WelshScorpion65: "Stupid punter, kick ball keep mouth shut."
Hershey tried to defend what he said, replying, "I'm gettin a lot of hate for my tweet on bowl bid," Hershey said. "Punters don't like the cold."
But the damage had already been done and Hershey deleted his Twitter account three hours after the initial tweet.
Ohio Athletics commented on the situation, "We are aware of the situation, we have talked to Paul, and we are handling it."
The Ohio representative went on to say, "we did not force Paul to shut down his account."
Head coach Frank Solich did not see the tweet, but eventually heard about it. Solich was asked about Hershey's tweet in a conference call on Monday.
“That is not indicative of this team, this program or this university,” Solich said. “I have yet to determine any disciplinary action to be taken with Paul, but obviously that is something that should have never happened."
“It’s too bad it happened,” Solich said. “I know how our players feel about this opportunity."
Ohio (9-4) takes on Utah State (7-5) in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl on Saturday, December 17th. The Bobcats are 0-5 in bowl games, 0-3 under Solich. The 'Cats are also looking for their first 10-win season since 1968.