Musical Program Needs Donations
By: Lu Wu
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A musical program for students in Athens is facing financial problems and needs donations to continue.
The nonprofit group Music in the Schools is a workshop that helps students of all ages learn how to improvise on their instruments.
The group's founder, Mike Doughty, says the program is free to students and has been operating for six years.
Doughty says the program has provided students opportunities to work with musical stars, such as Mark Pender from the Conan O'Brian Show, and Miss Shirley King, daughter of BB King.
"We bring stars in … and these students get to play with the stars," Doughty said.
Doughty says currently the program is short of funds and unable to continue without public help.
"We are about $2,500 short right now. We are needing donations or sponsorship; it's very important to the students, " Doughty says. "Even a dollar, if it's sent in—every dollar helps!"
Donations can be made at the Ohio University Credit Union under the Music in theSchools account name.
Doughty was interviewed last night on WOUB TV's Newswatch.