Open Job Interviews Friday
By: Cheri Russo
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Jobs are a tough thing to come by in this economy, especially in Southeast Ohio.
That's why officials at Athens County Job and Family Services say they expect a decent turn out for an open interview session this Friday.
Visiting Angels will be holding open interviews for non-medical Nursing Aides from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Work Station.
Community Relations Coordinator Nick Claussen says the jobs would involve working with senior citizens.
"At least one year experience in a non-medical in-home care field dealing with seniors, they prefer that. I don't think it's required, it's preferred," says Claussen. "A love for working with senior citizens and then you have to be compassionate, have an upbeat attitude, have good english and communication skills, have to be reliable, ability to perform light housework, prepare meals, run errands. The ability to work on an hourly basis, some 12 hour shifts. They say that people that can live-in with clients are often highly sought after."
Claussen explains that the non-medical job is just helping out clients with small tasks.
The Work Station is located on North Plains Road in The Plains.
All area residents are invited to stop in during the open interview times, no appointments are necessary.