Citizens Present Fracking Report To Commissioners
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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A group of citizens from Athens County has given a presentation to the Athens county commissioners about the concerns they have with fracking.
The group took a field trip last month to Wetzel County in West Virginia, where the controversial drilling practice is commonplace.
The citizens say that fracking brings impassable roads and ruins the landscape.
Yesterday, they came together to bring their report to the commission.
Commissioner Larry Payne says the county has already begun planning for the consequences of fracking.
"We've been I think pro-active on that. We've already looked into to have a road use maintenance agreement. We had discussions with our engineer," says Payne.
But Michele Papai lives in Athens County and is not convinced that the county commission is on top of the situation.
"I don't think that the people who live in the community are knowing, are knowledgeable about what our county commissioners have and what they're doing," says Papai.
Candidates running for election to the county board of commissioners also attended the meeting, and say they support the concerns of the citizen group.