Developmental Courses Still Offered At OU
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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There is no final word whether Ohio University will be discontinuing five courses currently being offered to students.
According to the Ohio Revised Code, beginning in the 2014-2015 academic school year, no Ohio state universities, unless listed otherwise, will receive any state operating subsidies for any academic remedial or developmental courses.
However, there are exceptions to the 2007 legislation.
The rule is based on the amount of total undergraduate credit hours and the percentage of first-year students at the university. Under this revision, remedial classes and developmental classes are placed in two separate categories.
Developmental courses offered at Ohio University include UC 110, UC 112, MATH 101, MATH 102 and ENG 150.
The Associate Dean and Executive Director of Student Academic Advancement Center Cynthia King said that the classes that AAC offers serves as developmental assistance for students.
According to King, the university does not require students to take any of these classes, but some students voluntarily take the courses in order to receive extra help in their college transition.
These college courses are geared to equip students with essential college skills: good note taking, handling textbook readings and time management.
While other universities in Ohio plan to discontinue their remedial and developmental courses, Ohio University has yet to determine whether it will continue to offer these classes.
It was rumored that there were plans to remove developmental courses offered at Ohio University.
“These reports are premature,” King said.
King adds that she has not seen where it says these classes will be eliminated from the course offerings in the university’s budget plan.