
Dyeing To Drink

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In honor of St. Patrick's Day, most bars in Athens will be going “green” this Wednesday.

Green Beer Day has established itself as a holiday in college towns across America, but one might consider its origins surprising.

The first ever Green Beer Day was held in 1952 in Oxford, Ohio on the campus of Ohio University’s fiercest rival, Miami University.

Unlike OU, Miami students traditionally hold the event on a Thursday.

Last year, renowned director George Clooney decided to film at Miami’s business school during Green Beer Day for his upcoming movie, The Ides of March.

While this college holiday isn’t nearly as publicized at Ohio University, at least one student views that in a positive light.

“[Ohio University] gets enough attention from Halloween and Homecoming,” said junior Phil Barnes. “Less people in Athens for Green Beer Day means less arrests, and that’s definitely a good thing.”

There is no doubt that bartenders and beer connoisseurs alike will be “dyeing” to celebrate with a few drinks on March 7.

“It’s going to be really fun. There’s a lot of people that come,” said Courtside bartender Kelsey Scanlon. “We’ll have extra security just in case things get a little crazy.”

One persistent problem over the years is determining whether or not the patrons packing the bars on Green Beer Day are of legal age.

Bars in Athens have begun to crack down on underage drinkers due to increasing fines handed out by the state.

“Usually when you second form [customers] it’s a deciding factor of whether or not it’s a fake ID,” said senior Josh Pilson, who bartends at C.I.

Green Beer Day is not sponsored by Ohio University, but it’s a safe bet that University officials are crossing their fingers and hoping for a tame celebration.