Former Jackson County Prosecutor Dealing With Economic Crimes In Ohio AG’s Office
By: Cheri Russo
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A former Jackson County prosecutor is now fighting crime at the state level as the principal attorney in Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine's Economic Crimes Division.
Jonathan Blanton says the Economic Crimes Division of the Consumer Protection Section focuses on crimes like telecommunications fraud and home improvement fraud.
He says his office is seeing a lot of online auction fraud right now.
Blanton also says they are seeing grandparent scams and online ticket sales fraud.
"There's a lot of just a little too good to be true, a little too great an opportunity. Folks are being taken advantage of because of it," says Blanton.
Blanton says state investigators normally get involved in a case after they are contacted by local authorities for help.
"We receive cases either on referral from local law enforcement, receive calls or e-mails from a detective or a prosecutor's office saying they have a situation where they need a little bit of help. We can assign investigators, prosecutors, seasoned, experienced folks, who are ready to come in and take a case on," says Blanton.
Blanton says the public also calls or e-mails tips into their office.
He says they almost always start investigating online scams by following the money trail.
Blanton says when it comes to a scam involving checks, they start by looking at bank records.
He says they use good, old-fashioned police work to get the job done.
There are currently two investigators and three assistant attorneys general assigned to the Economic Crimes Division.
Blanton took the position about a year ago.