Lawyers Gather In Athens For Annual Meeting
By: Taylor Mirfendereski
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The president of the Ohio State Bar Association joined more than 40 lawyers from Southeast Ohio for lunch today in Athens for the OSBA annual district meeting.
Carol Seubert Marx spoke to association members about several membership and statewide topics, including the association's involvement with judicial commissions and OSBA's role in recommending proposals to the state legislature.
Marx says these gatherings enhance the legal profession.
"Collegiality is one of the key aspects of anyone's law practice — especially in small areas and a rural area where there aren't a whole lot of lawyers. The lawyers have to get along with each other. The more they get along, the more they are able to accomplish their client's goals. It's all for the betterment of the judical system," said Marx.
Today's luncheon was reserved for members of OSBA's 17th District, which includes 204 members who practice in six Southeast Ohio counties.