Wednesday Morning Sirens Are Meant For Practice
< < Back toThe Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness is asking Ohio residents to practice not panic when test tornado sirens sound Wednesday morning.
Goverernor John Kasich proclaimed this week as Ohio's Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Weather officials are encouraging residents to take time this week to prepare for weather incidents that typically occur during spring and summer months, but may strike at any time.
Fred Davis, Athens County Emergency Management Agency Director, says having a plan can be the best protection.
"I think that basically people have to be aware of their surroundings and what they would do incase they got a tornado warning because public safety cannot protect everyone from the weather. It takes everyone's effort and we hope that people realize that theres a need to prepare for not only tornadoes but in the winter months ice and snow storms, blizzards and situations such as that," said Davis.
Davis says mild winter weather this season meant tornadoes across the Midwest during a time when people are usually concerned about snowstorms.
"As we come into the tornado season and the activity we've had in the past month it should make people aware that the potential is there for tornado and so that's part of why we emphasize people preparing," said Davis.
Schools, businesses and households are encouraged to practice their tornado drills and emergency plans when the tornado sirens sound at 9:50 a.m. Wednesday.