OU Students React To Noise Ordinance One Year After Amendment
By: Abbie Murphy
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Although the punishment is now less severe, noisy residents can still get themselves in trouble with the Athens police.
This spring marks the one-year anniversary of the amended Athens City noise ordinance policy.
In 2010, a total of 896 noise complaints were filed, one of the highest complaint rates for any type of call.
In effect since the early 1990s, the noise ordinance allows police officers to give out violations for excessive noise from either electronic devices or voices.
Before the amendment, violators were charged with a minor misdemeanor, a citable criminal offense.
However, since the change, first-time violators are charged with an administrative violation, which is a $100 fine.
Ohio University students have had mixed feelings about the law.
Sophomore John Delamater said he does not like the ordnance because believes students should be able to enjoy themselves.
“I feel that it is not necessary. I do not plan on being quiet,” Delamater said.
Junior Kyle Dunn says he understands how the law can be useful. He believes it helps keep noise levels under control on weekdays.
“If it's a weekday it's not that big of a deal, I mean people have to get up to work. But if its a weekend, I mean we're a college town,” Dunn says.
According to the Athens Police Department, the best way to avoid violating the ordinance is to keep the noise to a minimum and be respectful to neighbors.
If a complaint call is made, officers arrive at the premises, and if any electronic devices or loud voices can be heard from the property line, the police may enter the property to hand out violations.
Students who violate the ordinance are not subjected to further punishment from the university unless they are cited or arrested for a second or third offense.
Violators in such cases may face OU judiciary action.