Kick-Off Meeting Aims To ‘Grow Gallia’
By: Graylyn Roose
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More than 100 Gallia County residents came to the University of Rio Grande Monday night to hear about a new economic strategy for the area.
The "Grow Gallia" Strategic Planning Committee held a kick-off meeting to share their plan with the county.
Melissa Clark, Gallia County Economic Development Director, says the planning process launched in May of 2011 and will emphasize the growth of various aspects of the economy in the county.
"It focuses on growing businesses within the county, it talks about attracting new businesses and industry to the county, we talk about developing our infrastructure to attract business, help with travel and tourism, we talk about revitalizing the downtown district. Just a lot of different ideas to grow the county economically," said Clark.
The county has already implemented two programs that will bring more technology to the county. In addition to recruting new business and jobs to the area, the group's other goals include providing broadband internet service and creating a riverfront amphitheater.
Clark says the strategic plan looks ahead five years and is meant to include the residents of the area.
"There were so many people that collaborated on this and I think it's really a community plan and a community effort. That's what's going to help make it succeed," says Clark.
Clark says some of the development areas will need funding and others will not.