
OU Workshop To Address Child Behavioral Problems

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A new workshop will help parents and child care workers learn how to interact with children who are dealing with emotional and behavioral challenges.

Sherry Shamblin, the director of early childhood mental health programs at Tri-County Mental Health Counseling and creator of the program, says that as many as 10 to 30 percent of children under the age of five have emotional or behavioral challenges that impact their development.

The four-day Ohio University summer course will teach students how to assess and treat behavioral problems among young children.

Shamblin said that children who have challenging behaviors typically participate less in class and are less likely to be accepted by their peers and caregivers.

She says there are some early warning signs that parents and child care workers should look for to determine if a child has a behavioral problem.

"If the tantrums are intense and really ongoing, if children are overly aggressive and hurting other children," she said.  "If you have a question at all, it's best to ask."

The OU workshop will begin on June 25.