
Music, Exhibitions At Nelsonville’s Monthly Arts Celebration

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Nelsonville's Final Fridays gallery hop takes place this Friday, July 27 on the historic Public Square.

This month’s gala will feature a number of art exhibitions, live music, children’s activities and even some arm mud wrestling.

Here are a list of this Friday’s activities:

Starbrick Cooperative Gallery Opening Night: Starbrick Clay National Salt & Pepper Shaker Show

At this juried exhibition, 40 fascinating examples of culinary condiment history will be on display. Featuring all-original works by national contemporary ceramic artists, these tabletop icons are presented in a host of different shapes, themes and colors. The collection will be on display through Aug. 28.

Gallery 1879 Opening Night: Circle ‘Round the Square

Fifty-five area students who attended the Circle ‘Round the Square summer arts program will present their paintings, ceramic portraiture, cigar box guitars and a swarm of insects. The student artists in this exhibition range from nine to 18 years of age. The show will be located in the lobby of Stuart’s Opera House. Also check out the student-created shorts (designed to be used as public service announcements) upstairs in the Stuart’s theater from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Stuart’s Opera House Free Summer Concert Series: The Hackensaw Boys

For the second installment of the annual Free Summer Concert Series, Stuart’s Opera House presents Charlottesville, Va., band The Hackensaw Boys. The show, which is free of charge, will take place in the Stuart's parking lot at 7:30 p.m. A beer garden will also be open during the show. In case of bad weather, the concert will be moved inside. Read our preview for more information.

Hocking College Art Gallery Opening Night: Art & Architecture by Matthew Pritchard

Hocking College student Matthew Pritchard presents his original house design plans and ceramic architectural elements, accessories and furnishings.

Nelsonville Library Opening Reception: The Photography of Brandon LaBonte

Featuring images from a 2010 mountaintop removal protest in Washington D.C., LaBonte’s images will be accompanied by music from Brujo from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. In addition, Carmen Schultz’s handmade stoneware pottery exhibit will be on display and kids of all ages are invited to create clay masterpieces with children's librarian Mary Van Doren from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Paper Circle: In, On, Of Paper

In, On, Of Paper is a nationally juried paper and book arts exhibition. Featuring works by 63 different artists, the exhibit includes books, pop-ups, prints, life-size sculpture and more.

Majestic Galleries: The 6th Annual National Juried Competition and Show

The 6th Annual National Juried Competition and Show will be extended for an extra month. The show includes work by 35 artists from 10 states and Canada, as well as several regions of Ohio.

The Public Square Fountain: Arm Mud Wrestling

Sure to be a popular event, Arm Mud Wrestling will be held at the Public Square fountain, with elimination rounds beginning at 6 p.m. There will be three competing categories: men, women and teen. The final elimination rounds will commence during the concert intermission.

Final Fridays typically lasts from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., though some venues host their own hours of operation. For more information, visit