State Auditor Looks Into School Attendance Irregularities
< < Back to state-auditor-looks-school-attendance-irregularitiesSoutheast Ohio is "clean" so far in the school attendance audit, according to an interim report released by the state auditor Thursday morning.
Dave Yost said five school systems in Ohio, including Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo have shown evidence of "scrubbing." This refers to removing students from enrollment without lawful reason.
When this happens, Yost said, report cards that grade schools can look better than they should.
"We did not answer the question why, and I would submit to you that that's an unanswerable question as a generality. You know, there's going to be school districts that perhaps have multiple motivations. Motivations belong to individuals, not organizations," he said.
Yost said this is why the report does not charge wrongdoing.
It's unclear whether these findings will lead to criminal prosecutions.
Another interim report is expected to be released in a few weeks.