
Lancaster Doctor’s Office Taking Donations

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More than 50 blankets will soon be on their way to victims of Hurricane Sandy, thanks to the staff at Kosier Eye in Lancaster.

The office has collected about 50 blankets to donate to storm victims.

Office Manager Tresha Bope says they have gotten quite a response.

"One gentleman said he has watched TV and seen it on TV and I think a lot of them see that a lot of them don't have heat and things lke that or even a home, displaced in shelters and such," says Bope.

Bope says they are accepting gently used and new blankets in their office on 1520 Sheridan Drive.

"Actually I think with the response we've had we're actually going to send a shipment out here at the end of the week, and we've talked about collecting them until the end of the month," Bope says.

Bope says their offices are open between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and people can bring the blankets by during office hours.