
ODNR Wants Woodland Owners To Voice Concern

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Hocking Hills woodland owners are encouraged to attend a public meeting about efforts to benefit the area.

The Ohio Division of Natural Resources (ODNR) is developing a woodland plan that focuses on maintaining the environmental benefits of forests in urbanized areas.

The meeting is designed to help area land owners share their needs and concerns with the ODNR.

ODNR Division of Forestry Member Cotton Randall said the meeting is for people owning 2-10 acres of land as well as cabin owners.

Randall said one of the main concerns is the preservation of trees because they are critical for clean air, water and supporting wildlife.

"A growing concern that we've heard at public meetings from our partners and our own staff is that these forest benefits are negatively impacted when large tracks of forest land are divided into smaller tracks for development,"  said Randall

A survey will be available to fill out at the meeting and also available on the ODNR website.

The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on December 6 at the Logan Hocking Middle School.