Fire, Ice (And Snow) On Tap For Nelsonville’s Final Fridays
By: Elliot Nicolson
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Final Fridays returns to Nelsonville’s historic Public Square tonight from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. with fire, ice…and probably a little snow.
This evening's Fire & Ice celebration will feature the Hocking College Culinary Arts program with a presentation by master ice carver Paul Ahrens of Precise Ice Creations.
Ahrens and the Culinary Arts students will carve three tons of ice on the Public Square while fire baton twirlers The Logan Superstars perform at 6 p.m.
Adult fire performers will be featured at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
The Hocking College Epicurean Club will also serve warm cider, hot cocoa, cookies and flambéed desserts. Fire barrels will be located throughout the Square to keep attendees warm.
Below is a list of Final Fridays show openings and featured artists:
Starbrick Cooperative Gallery: The ever-popular Bowl-A-Rama returns. Patrons will receive free chili with every hand-thrown bowl purchased. Also, the featured woodwork of Lana Wall will be on display, as well as special guest Matt Carmean’s oil on canvas exhibit, That Was Then; This Is Now.
Majestic Galleries: You're Not from Around Here, curated by Aaron Smith, featuring five first-year MFA Fine Arts students from Ohio University. Read this article for more information.
Paper Circle: Grace Zuniga presents This Is All I've Ever Known, a culmination of image and transformed object. Zuniga has exhibited both nationally and internationally in venues such as The Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas, and The Sharjah Gallery in Cairo, Egypt.
Hocking College Art Gallery: Mixed Bag Show, featuring photography, ceramic, glass, artwork and more by Hocking College students. Hosted by the Art Marketing class.
Stuart’s Gallery 1879: Concert Posters of the Midwest, featuring posters from a variety of Ohio artists (and a few with Ohio connections) including Just A Jar Design Press, Clinton Reno, Jeff Strittholt, Emily Beveridge, David Butler, Diane Radford, Jason Frederick, Todd Jacops/Jed Collins, Chris Monday, Canary Press and more.
Nelsonville Public Library: Opening Reception for the Art in the Library from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This exhibit features 25 selections from The Last Vispo Anthology, published by Fantagraphics Books in November 2012. The exhibit is supplemented with additional prints and pieces by "endwar," a visual poet from Athens, Ohio, and publisher of IZEN books.