Exhibit Features Cross Section Of American Art
By: Katie Bruhn
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Nelsonville's Majestic Galleries is currently hosting the exhibit cross-cut, featuring the work of 16 artists from across the United States.
Curator Jason Tanner Young said the title refers both to the act of creating and the idea of a cross-section of America.
Young, originally from Texas, received his MFA from the University of Nebraska. He currently works at Ohio University as an instructor and sculpture technician.
The artists represented in this show come from Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio.
The work presented is multidisciplinary, including installation, sculpture, ceramic and painting.
Athens area artists include Mark Ingram, currently enrolled in the Sculpture and Expanded Practice Program at Ohio University, and Brian Dieterle, a ceramic artist and instructor and ceramic technician at Ohio University.
Artists from further afield include Brian Kluge, a ceramic artist who uses clay to make enigmatic, non-representational sculptures that employ reductive geometry and archetypal forms. Kluge was recently a fellow at the Roswell Artist-In Residence Program in Roswell, N.M.
Dewane Hughes is a sculptor and associate professor at the University of Texas at Tyler who is heavily influenced by the poets of the Beat Generation and subsequent linguistic scholars, including Noam Chomsky and Marshall McLuhan. Hughes recently served as the president of the Sculpture Network of Texas.
Brandon Nepote, a sculptor also based in Texas, is inspired primarily by conversation. His pieces are an interpretation of daily verbal interactions. Nepote currently teaches at Texas State University.
Alexis Serio, a painter and associate professor at the University of Texas at Tyler, has stated that the majority of his paintings are depictions of heightened dramatic lighting—dusk or dawn. He uses both soft rendering and thick application of the pain to create an interchange of perspective.
Other artists include: Ying Zhu, a sculptor known for her large-scape site-specific installations based in Omaha, Neb.; Aaron Hirsch, a sculptor who is pursuing his PhD in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nebraska; Austin Martin, a sculptor who recently received his MFA from Arizona State University; John Carrasco, a sculptor working in Austin, Texas; Emily Newman, a mixed-media artist who teaches at Drake University Iowa; and Justin Shaw, a sculptor who teaches at University of Central Missouri.
The show will run through March 23. Majestic Galleries is located on the Public Square in Nelsonville, Ohio. Hours are 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Friday through Sunday.
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