
Interim Named Permanent Dean of Students

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Ohio University's interim associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students, will assume the position on a permanent basis, effective May 1 according to Ryan Lombardi, Vice President for Student Affairs.

In a late Thursday news release, Lombardi said Dr. Jenny Hall-Jones, who has been serving in that role since June 11, 2012, had accepted the offer of the permanent position.

"I believe that Jenny will enhance the Dean of Students role and will help ensure that we continue to support Ohio University students in maximizing their educational experience," Lombardi said in the statement.

He said a nationwide search had resulted in a pool of three outstanding candidates but Hall-Jones emerged as the right candidate to fill the role.

She replaces Lombardi, who became interim vice president for student affairs in June, 2012.

Hall-Jones has worked at Ohio University for the past 16 years and is a three-time alumna of the institution, most recently earning a Ph.D. in higher education in 2011.