Three Arrested For Alleged Drug Trafficking
By: Megan Moseley
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Three suspects were arrested during a traffic stop Wednesday night in Marietta.
Major Crimes Task Force Agents found them in possession of $2,000, which police believe was to be used to purchase heroin in Columbus.
The suspects are known drug traffickers who previously sold confidential informants heroin.
On four occasions in January, Michael Richards, 35, sold confidential informants between one and three grams of heroin.
Richards' arrest is his fourth this year on heroin-related charges.
He was free on bond following his previous felony arrests.
In the vehicle with Richards were Michael Snider, 39, of Williamstown, and Joshua Gibson, 28, of Marietta.
Snider sold confidential informants small quantities of heroin on consecutive days in early March and Gibson sold an informant three doses of heroin in January.
Richards was arrested on four felony charges of trafficking in drugs and remains incarcerated in the Washington County Jail in lieu of $27,500.
Snider is charged with two counts of trafficking in drugs and Gibson with one count and are incarcerated on respective bonds of $10,000 and $5,000.