Haydenville man found dead in motel after release from jail
By: Gretchen Gregory | The Logan Daily News Editor
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A Haydenville man who was released from jail on bond Wednesday was found dead inside an Athens motel room early Thursday morning.
Officers from the Athens Police Department found Jerry Miller, 43, unresponsive inside the Sunset Motel located at 135 Columbus Road. Miller was arrested in Haydenville last month as part of a drug roundup by multiple law enforcement agencies and charged with four felonies related to trafficking oxycodone.
Foul play isn’t suspected, but his death remains under investigation, according to Athens Police Chief Tom Pyle. Miller’s body will be examined by the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office in Dayton.
A Haydenville woman who was reportedly inside the motel room where Miller died was arrested on a charge of possession of heroin and transported to Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail in Nelsonville.
Lorie Shriver, 48, who also was arrested in the drug roundup last month, was arrested Thursday after heroin allegedly was found inside her purse.
“It’s too early to tell (how Miller died),” said Athens Police Lt. Jeff McCall. “He was sent for an autopsy and the evidence that we found at the scene will be submitted for testing. It could be a couple of things. Based on his size, he could have health conditions, or it could be drug related.”
Miller reportedly weighed about 600 pounds and had a wide range of ailments, including congestive heart failure and emphysema, among others.
Shriver has not been charged in relation to Miller’s death.
Two week’s ago at Miller’s arraignment hearing in Hocking County Common Pleas Court, defense attorney Jason Sarver attempted to get Miller released on a recognizance bond, arguing his client needed special medical care that could not be provided by the regional jail.
Hocking County Common Pleas Court Judge John Wallace disagreed with Sarver’s assertion and instead set a $50,000 cash or surety bond.
Miller has been charged with multiple drug crimes in the past several years and has been a target of local law enforcement.
Miller posted the surety bond Wednesday afternoon, just hours before he was declared dead at the motel.