
Common Experience Project On Sustainability Launches Film Series

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The Common Experience Project on Sustainability is launching its spring semester sustainability film series on Wednesday, Jan. 29 at the Athena Cinema. The series, which runs through March 12, offers a global, cultural and environmental exploration of sustainability.

Bitter Seeds, India (88 minutes), Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7 p.m.

The first film offers an in-depth look at the impact of industrial agriculture in a region of India. Many small-scale farmers are losing their land as seeds become controlled and a commodity. Nowhere is the situation more desperate than in India, where every 30 minutes one farmer, deep in debt and unable to provide for its family, commits suicide. The film explores the impact of genetically modified seeds, globalization, and the loss of heritage seed varieties to Indian farmers. A faculty, student and farmer panel discussion will follow the film.

The Price of Sand, USA (60 minutes)
, Wednesday Feb. 12, 7 p.m.

A film that explores the frac sand mining boom in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Due to a rapid increase in demand, pure silica sand has become a valuable commodity, while the rapidity of opening mines is impacting local communities. Explores the boom cycle of extractive industries and the indirect impact of fracking on families, businesses and the larger region.

Zero Ten Twenty: The Children of Rio, Global (100 minutes), Wednesday Feb. 26, 7 p.m.

1992 was the first Rio Earth Summit where world leaders signed up to a blueprint for a greener, fairer world. For 20 years the producers of LIFE followed the lives of 11 children born in different countries in 1992. Their stories constitute a unique diary of what it's been like to grow up in a fast-changing, 21st century world, and how globalization and the Earth Summit have impacted their lives.

Burning in the Sun, Mali and West Africa (83 minutes), Wednesday, March 12, 7 p.m.

The trials of bringing solar power to rural sites are frankly addressed with ultimate success. This film chronicles a road map to sustainability that could be duplicated around the world, offering hope for the planet. Explores the efforts of a West African community member and entrepreneur to build a solar panel production business in the small village of Banko and its application to the larger region.

Each film will be followed by a panel and audience discussion.        

The Common Experience Project on Sustainability is multi-disciplined, encouraging collaboration between and partnerships with University College, Alden Library, the Office of Sustainability, Environmental Studies, Residence Life, The Athena Cinema and many academic programs and departments.

The goal of the multi-year effort for Ohio University's Common Experience Project on Sustainability is to create a common learning experience for Ohio University students through integrated curricular and co-curricular activities, with the goal that participating students should acquire a deep understanding of the principle concepts and issues related to sustainability and ecological literacy.

In efforts to enhance sustainability literacy across campus, the Common Experience Project Curriculum Committee has developed a three-tiered framework for addressing sustainability literacy at Ohio University. This framework is referenced in this document as the Common Experience Project.

Sustainability Literacy Pathway will be used for integrating sustainability themes into curricular and co-curricular activities and campus life at Ohio University. The three tiers are defining sustainability, applying sustainability, and living sustainability.

These pathways invite faculty and students to first develop a general understanding of sustainability that can be augmented and strengthened as the student progresses at Ohio University through the Sustainability Literacy Pathway. 

The screening are being offered free of charge to the public. Contact Coordinator Loraine McCosker for further information at