Recent Theft Spike At OU’s Alden Library Catches Attention Of Campus Police
By: Taylor Petras
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Alden Library at Ohio University has reported a string of stolen property in the first two weeks of February. The Ohio University Police Department has received up to four reports of stolen electronics in that short amount of time. These items include things like laptops, tablets, cell phones and even calculators. Book bags have also been reported to be stolen as well.
While theft at Alden is not uncommon, Tim Ryan, OUPD Lieutenant, says this amount of stolen property in such a short period of time is unusual.
“I would say that if I had to pick an area on campus, Alden usually gets hit more often. I think it’s a place where students are more often with technology so I think it’s a natural place for people to go look for ‘free’ things.”
Following past theft cases, Ryan believes it is most likely only one or two people responsible for stealing these items. He says once these people are caught, theft will usually decline.
According to Ryan, stealing electronics and other items can take only a matter of seconds. Ryan says that by keeping belongings in sight at all times will help keep them safe.
“The easiest thing to do is to not leave things unattended. We see people who get up to go to the bathroom or get a book, they leave their laptop or iPhone and when they get back it’s gone and nobody saw anything.”
With this recent increase in theft, OUPD has launched their new “Careless = Cashless” campaign. It aims at warning students to be responsible with their personal belongings and to not leave them unattended in public.