Village Seeking To Demolish Buildings To Prevent Arson
By: WOUB Contributing Writer
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Dresden is seeking county funding to help eliminate properties determined to be at risk for arson.
The Zanesville Times Recorder reports that the village, which has endured 14 suspicious fires within the same two-block area since 2009, has identified three properties that are especially at risk and is hoping to demolish them before fire can cause any kind of harm to the community.
Dresden authorities do not know how much the demolitions will cost, as the buildings must undergo asbestos surveys. The survey, which costs $500, would allow the village to apply for the right amount of funding needed and allow it to move on to the bidding process. An average building demolition costs $7,500,
The money Dresden is asking for could come from Muskingum County's $21,000 of Moving Ohio Forward funding.
Dresden has lost about $4 million worth of property in suspicious fires since 2009. In the past year, five suspicious fires occurred in Dresden, with the most recent occurring less than a month ago.