
Trustees Approve $60K Pay Raise For McDavis

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A base salary increase and bonus for Ohio University President Roderick McDavis were approved unanimously Thursday afternoon by the OU Board of Trustees, bumping his annual compensation above $500,000.

During the board’s full meeting at the university’s new Dublin medical campus on Thursday, McDavis’ new base salary of $465,000 and bonus of $85,000 were approved. This will make his compensation for the 2014-15 academic year $550,000 — $60,750 more than he made last year.

In August 2013, the board voted to give McDavis a $12,000 base pay increase and a $62,250 bonus. In September 2012, McDavis’ base salary was increased by 6.3 percent (to $415,000) and he received a $58,548 bonus.

OU’s First Lady Deborah McDavis was approved for a $4,100 raise by the trustees on Thursday. Mrs. McDavis received $30,900 in compensation from the university during the 2013-14 year. Her new salary will be $35,000.

The raises follow the board’s annual review of the president. Board Chairman David Brightbill said that McDavis’ review was “strongly positive” and that the board is very happy with his performance and that of his administration over the past year.