Ohioans Dispose Of 10.5 Tons Of Prescription Drugs
< < Back to ohioans-dispose-105-tons-prescription-drugsOfficials say Ohio residents disposed of more than 10.5 tons of unwanted prescription drugs during Saturday's National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.
Ohioans were able to safely dispose of unwanted prescription drugs at more than 200 locations around the state Saturday as part of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's drug take-back initiative. Ohio residents disposed 21,197 pounds of pills and solid prescriptions.
Due to new DEA regulations that expand the options available to dispose of prescription drugs on a routine basis, Saturday marked the last anticipated nationwide event for prescription drug disposal.
Columbus DEA official Timothy Plancon said more than 2,100 tons of prescription drugs have been collected nationwide since the first National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day in 2010.