Banquet For PersonnelPlus Partner Businesses To Be Held
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PersonnelPlus is a professional employment service agency that has assisted businesses with traditional and non-traditional entry-level employment needs since 1983. The host a bi-annual banquet in honor and celebration of their partner businesses.
Loring Lovett talks with Adult Services Director, Mark Cullison, about the upcoming banquet, and about the opportunities one has in becoming a part of PersonnelPlus. Joining Loring in the studio is two members of PersonnelPlus, Ica Queen and William Peacock, who talk about their experiences with the agency, and their goals and aspirations inside and outside the company.
The banquet recognizing local business partners and celebrating PersonnelPlus members will be help Thursday, October 23 from 6:00-8:30PM at Christ Community Wesleyan Church in Albany.
Tickets for the event can be purchased at PersonnelPlus, 8 Harper Street, The Plains, OH, or by contacting Karen Hynes at 740-592-3416.