OU Police Looking For Rape Suspect
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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Ohio University Police Department is looking for the person who assaulted a female during the early morning hours of Veterans Day.
According to the OUPD Crime Alert, the woman made an anonymous report to O'Bleness Memorial Hospital. The woman said, while on the "Main Green" of Ohio University's campus at approximately 2:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 11, she noticed a group of men walking past her.
According to the report, one of the men approached her and tried to kiss her; he then held her hands and digitally penetrated her.
The woman says she managed to pepper spray her attacker which forced him and his friends to run away. There is no description of the attacker or any of the other men.
OUPD also states, "Due to the anonymous nature of this report, OUPD is unable to investigate this case further at this time; however, if you have information that may be pertinent to this case, you are encouraged to report it to OUPD at 740-593-1911."