
Ferguson: No Charges For Officer In Michael’s Brown Death

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A grand jury did not indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for any crimes related to the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August.

Wilson, who is white, shot and killed Brown, who was unarmed and black, in an Aug. 9 incident that has stoked anger and debate in Ferguson and beyond.

This story is developing, and we're updating this post to reflect the latest news.

Update at 9:43 p.m. ET: Physical Evidence And Conflicting Accounts

Having announced the jury's decision, McCulloch stressed the importance of physical evidence in the case. He then ran down a long list of various witness accounts in which people gave different versions of the events that transpired after Wilson and Brown began the encounter that left Brown dead in the street.

And McCulloch said that seemingly by happenstance, a person in a building nearby had recorded audio of the final 10 shots Wilson fired.

He eventually returned to the tragedy of the case at hand, saying, "No young man should ever die."

McCulloch went on to say that the case brings an opportunity to address old wounds that have been reopened.

"I join with Michael Brown's family, and with the clergy" and others, he said, "in urging everyone to continue the demonstrations" and call for constructive change.

Update at 9:24 p.m. ET: Grand Jury Does Not Indict Wilson

The grand jury found that "no probable cause exists" to file any indictments against Wilson, McCulloch said.

Earlier, the prosecutor said, "There is no question, of course, that Darren Wilson caused the death of Michael Brown." He then discussed areas of the law that might apply to the case, such as self-defense.