
Trimble School Board Removes Middle School Principal

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Trimble School Board approved the non-renewal of Danita Glenn’s position as principal of Trimble Middle School last night at the regular school board district meeting.

Danita Glenn, also referred to as Danita Kern, had been placed on leave since May 8, according to previous media reports.

Glenn was given the option to attend the school board district meeting last night, but did not make an appearance.

The non-renewal of Glenn’s contract was recommended by Superintendent Scott Christman.

When asked what led to the non-renewal of Glenn’s position, Christman said he would “rather not” comment on any personal issues, but went on to say the personnel decision was made for financial reasons. However, documents given to WOUB News from a public records request indicate there were other factors why her contract was not renewed.

The school board made a unanimous decision to approve the non-renewal of Glenn’s position.

Trimble school teachers were also present at the meeting, but none agreed to be interviewed.