Ohio Senate Leaders Weigh Last-Minute Budget Changes
< < Back to ohio-senate-leaders-weigh-last-minute-budget-changesCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A proposal by Ohio Senate Democrats to restore tax credits for historic rehabilitation projects is among final changes being requested to the state operating budget as it nears committee and floor votes in the Senate next week.
The Senate’s Republican leadership was meeting Friday to review final amendments submitted Thursday to the $71.3 billion spending plan covering two years starting July 1. A tentatively scheduled Finance Committee hearing was canceled.
Democrats said they asked for an historic rehabilitation tax credit to be restored because they see it as a vital redevelopment tool for urban areas.
The Ohio Blended Learning Network, representing 60 school districts and charter schools, urged restoration of the Straight A Fund backed by Gov. John Kasich. The fund offers grants to foster efficiency through innovation.