Hocking President Confirms Brown’s Removal
< < Back toHocking College President, Dr. Betty Young, confirmed that Hocking College Executive Director of Public Relations, Michael Brown, has been relieved of his duties pending a review.
Young released a letter on Friday to the college community after meeting with students and alumni. At the end of the letter, she stated Brown has been “relieved of his duties.”
She made no comment as to the reason for the decision, and multiple calls to her office for comment were unreturned as of Monday afternoon. Calls to Jacqueline Hagerott, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Hocking College; Hocking College Police Chief Al Matthews; and Hocking College Chief of Staff Jeff Daubenmire all were unanswered. When WOUB contacted Nikki Dioguardi, general counsel and Title IX coordinator for the college, she said any calls regarding Brown were being referred to the office of the president.
Young met with students to listen to their concerns and answer questions regarding the alleged sexual assault case involving a Hocking student, and issues involving employees who have recently been released from the college.
According to Young, students safety is the number one priority of Hocking College.
“Together we will continue to improve our campus,” Young stated in the letter.