Punitive Damages Possible in Suit Against DuPont Over C8
By: Associated Press
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A federal judge has rejected a motion arguing that evidence doesn’t support punitive damages for an Ohio woman who says she got cancer after drinking water contaminated by a chemical discharged from a DuPont plant.
The case might help settle thousands of similar lawsuits about the chemical giant’s dumping of C8 into local drinking water.
Plaintiff Clara Bartlett alleges Delaware-based DuPont didn’t inform the public but knew potential risks posed by C8 that was deposited into the Ohio River by a plant near Parkersburg, West Virginia.
DuPont’s chief scientist has testified he didn’t know until 2012 that C8 could cause several diseases.
The Columbus Dispatch reports the judge said a “reasonable jury” could have enough evidence to favor punitive damages in the case. He previously refused to dismiss it.