
State: No Sign of Low Buckeye Lake Hurting Unusual Ohio Bog

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ON CRANBERRY BOG, Ohio (AP) – State employees monitoring the unusual, shrinking bog in central Ohio’s Buckeye Lake say there are no signs it’s been harmed by surrounding water being kept low while a deteriorated dam is replaced.

A natural-areas administrator and botanist who visited Cranberry Bog this week say its namesake plants and the moss on which it’s based look healthy. They say plant growth and the water squishing at the bog’s surface appear on par with a normal year.

They’d worried the fragile, roughly 10-acre bog might end up sticking far out of the water if it couldn’t compress to the lower level. But they say that’s not the case after months of low water.

It’s not clear how long the lake will remain low. The state’s dam-replacement project is expected to take years.