
Susan G. Komen Columbus Sponsors Athens Race for the Cure on Oct. 25
By: Tom Hodson
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The Athens’ Race for the Cure on Sunday Oct. 25 is the only new event this year sponsored nationally by the Susan G. Komen organization. It is designed to draw attention to the need for breast cancer awareness, research, treatment and medical facilities in the Southeastern Ohio region.
To date, more than 1,100 participants have registered to participate in the 5 K Race and other related activities scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday outside Peden Stadium at Ohio University. The race will begin at noon in front of the adjacent Walter Fieldhouse.
Nicole Phillips, the wife of Ohio University Men’s Basketball Coach Saul Phillips, is acting as honorary chairperson of the event. Ms. Phillips was diagnosed with breast cancer in May and has been undergoing treatment. She has courageously written about her journey on her blog at
Southeastern Ohio accounts for about one-third of the diagnoses and deaths from breast cancer in the Komen Columbus 30 county service area, according to Julie McMahon, director of mission at Susan G. Komen Columbus.
“Last year there were 365 new breast cancer diagnoses, 171 late-state diagnoses and 71 deaths in this area,” McMahon says.
McMahon told WOUB’s Tom Hodson that since 2002, Susan G. Komen Columbus has spent $4.6 million in community programs in Southeastern Ohio. Even then, there are eight counties without a cancer treatment center (Jackson, Perry, Pike, Hocking, Morgan, Monroe, Vinton and Noble). Other counties are “medically underserved” including Guernsey, Meigs, Muskingum, and Noble.
Registration for the Athens’ Race for the Cure can take place online until midnight on Oct. 21 at
However, registration is also available at the Athens Community Center, 701 E. State St. on Friday Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Saturday, Oct. 24, registration is possible at the Walter Fieldhouse, 50 S. Green Dr., from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Registration also is possible on Sunday at the Walter Fieldhouse from 10 a.m. until noon.