Survey: Clinton Has ‘Big Advantage’ Among State Dems
By: Associated Press
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CINCINNATI (AP) – With Ohio’s presidential primary four months away, Hillary Rodham Clinton has a big advantage among some key state Democrats.
An Associated Press survey of Ohio’s 16 “superdelegates” finds 12 support the former secretary of state. The other four remain undecided, including the state party chairman and vice chairwoman who plan to remain neutral during the primary season.
A nationwide AP survey also shows Clinton with a commanding early lead among superdelegates, who include office holders and party insiders. Those responding favored Clinton by a 45-to-1 margin. Superdelegates make up some 30 percent of the delegates needed to clinch nomination. They aren’t bound by primary results.
Clinton has a successful history in Ohio. She defeated Barack Obama in Ohio’s 2008 Democratic primary, and her husband Bill twice carried the swing state.