
The flag of Ohio
(Ohio Tourism Division)

Ohio Tourism Officials Unveil State’s Brand: ‘Find It Here’

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Ohio’s tourism director says a new brand for the state is designed to capture emotions surrounding Ohio’s diversity of experiences and attractions.

TourismOhio’s new branding statement, “Ohio. find it here,” was announced Tuesday.

The state partnered with Columbus-based Cult Marketing to develop the brand. The process included more than 142 hours of one-on-one interviews.

Tourism Director Mary Cusick says research showed a lack of awareness about Ohio despite the emotional experiences visitors have in the state.

Cusick says the slogan can be applied beyond state tourism to promote cities, natural areas, arts districts economic development, college recruitment and businesses. Her agency is incorporating the brand into statewide travel and tourism communications.

TourismOhio says tourism marketing programs helped generate 200 million visits to Ohio and $40 billion in sales in 2014.