New South Parkersburg Library Scheduled To Open Soon
< < Back to new-south-parkersburg-library-scheduled-to-open-soonPARKERSBURG, W.Va. (AP) – The new South Parkersburg Library is scheduled to open soon.
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel reports a grand opening for the new library will be held Saturday.
The new library branch will be open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. with a ribbon cutting and official ceremony at 11 a.m.
Brian Raitz, executive director of the Parkersburg-Wood County Public Library, says there will be stations set up to provide information about library services. Refreshments will be provided.
The 5,000-square-foot library will replace a smaller, older facility. Construction began last March.
South Parkersburg Library Manager Lindsay Place says the new space will feature more public computers for patrons as well as more programming and activities.