
FirstEnergy, AEP Deals in Ohio Prompt 55K Protest Emails

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Two proposed power agreements in Ohio are seeing a pushback campaign organized by alternative energy supporters.

The Alliance for Energy Choice says nearly 55,000 emails have been sent to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Gov. John Kasich’s office and state legislators over the past two weeks.

The messages raise objections to separate proposals by Akron-based FirstEnergy and Columbus-based AEP that ask regulators to permit rate increases to maintain certain aging coal-fired and nuclear plants.

Opponents call the proposals bailouts. The companies argue they’ll support infrastructure improvements that will return value to investors and customers.

Major appliance, steel and chemical companies, consumer groups and many energy-related entities are against one or both deals. The Sierra Club has parted with some other environmental groups and supports AEP’s plan.