Clever Ways to get your Girl Scout Cookie Fix
< < Back to clever-ways-to-get-your-girl-scout-cookie-fixIt’s the most wonderful time of the year – Girl Scout cookie time! The first of March is when you start seeing little ladies parked outside the local Kroger or Walmart peddling one of the greatest fundraising ideas of all time – the Girl Scout cookie. Or if you’re lucky, you know someone who is selling them so you don’t have to wait.
I was a Girl Scout and so was my daughter. So, I have plenty of experience with the tasty goodness of their cookies. I fell in love early with my favorite – the Thin Mint. Oh, the delightful thin minty treat that is somehow better when you freeze it. And especially good with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. And, let’s not forget the Samoas (I love the combination of coconut with caramel and chocolate) and the Tag a longs (how do you not love chocolate and peanut butter together). There are several other good flavors including the Do-si-do and they make changes frequently to try to freshen their cookie offerings.
The one thing I know from my time hawking cookies, both as a Girl Scout and as a mother, is that it’s not hard at all. In fact, people basically beg for them. I’ve spent countless hours organizing cookies in the troop leader’s garage and sitting at the stand teaching girls how to approach people and sell their goods.
If you’re a true Girl Scout cookie lover, here are some interesting recipes to help you celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
Samoa Bundt Cake
This is a true tribute to the infamous cookie. If you’re a lover of chocolate, caramel and coconut, this is a must try!
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Thin Mint Brownies
Think you can’t make Thin Mints any more delicious? Adding Thin Mints to a brownie mix will give great flavor to one of your traditional favorites.
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Do-Si-Dos Pie
If Do-Si-Dos are your favorite, this recipe will really up the peanut butter flavor by adding the cookies to an oatmeal crust and peanut butter mousse.
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Tagalong Cake Bars
Those Tagalongs are a great favorite (especially with children). Here’s a recipe that will make them into a cake bar with a peanut butter crust and some added richness with the help of chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk.
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