2 Miami University Frats Suspended For Hazing, Alcohol
By: Associated Press
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OXFORD, Ohio (AP) – Two fraternities at Miami University in Ohio have been suspended for hazing and alcohol-related violations.
The university says the Pi Kappa Phi chapter is suspended until January. Officials say those fraternity members will retain their membership but cannot be involved in Greek activities for at least four years.
Fraternity officials tell The Cincinnati Enquirer that hazing isn’t tolerated and its members must be held accountable.
The Phi Kappa Tau chapter is suspended until May 2019. The chapter can submit a reorganization plan in November 2018. Officials say no current members or candidates can participate in that reorganization.
A spokesman for that fraternity couldn’t be reached.
The suspensions follow a university investigation of 21 hazing allegations at a dozen fraternities and sororities in February.