
Groups Apply for Permits to Demonstrate at RNC Convention

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Groups applying for permits to demonstrate during the Republican National Convention include advocates tackling AIDS, racism and nuclear weapons.

Fewer than a dozen groups have applied for permits. They include People Fight Back – who expects 500 people to join its March Against Racism — and Global Zero, which features a 48-foot inflatable rocket ship in its campaign against nuclear weapons.

They also include a new group of young professionals called “Stand Together Against Trump.” Bryan Hambley, a doctor in Cleveland, says two things are driving the effort.

“A lot of our colleagues are Muslim physicians or Muslim immigrants,” he said. “The rhetoric about minority groups, specifically religious minorities – has been very disturbing to many of us. And the other aspect is his treatment of women and how he speaks to that gender during the campaign.”

One group that has called off its plans to protest is “Trump March RNC,” which had planned to challenge any effort to stop Trump from getting the nomination. Spokesman Michael Freilinger says he’ll still come from Peoria to Cleveland to show his support for Trump, who he says will break Washington gridlock.

“A business mentality, a businessman, can achieve things sometimes that others can’t because of the bureaucracy,” Freilinger said.

The city says it must wait to issue permits until the Secret Service sets security boundaries around Quicken Loans Arena. The ACLU says it will sue if Cleveland doesn’t make its decisions by June 1.