
Man Indicted In River Park Towers Shooting
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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ATHENS — A man connected to a shooting at River Park Towers was indicted by an Athens County grand jury in the death of another alleged attempted robber.
John Michael Fults-Ganey, 21, of Athens, was indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy at Monday’s meeting of the grand jury.
Fults-Ganey was arrested after a May 26 incident in which police responded to a reported shooting at 36 N. McKinley Avenue, apartment 810. Markel Morrison, 22, was found dead outside of the residence.
But investigators claim Morrison was attempting to enter the apartment to commit a burglary and settle a drug debt. Morrison was then shot by one of the residents of the apartment, investigators said.
Fults-Ganey allegedly drove Morrison to River Park for the alleged attempted burglary, then waited at a nearby bar. He later turned himself into the Athens Police Department, according to previous reporting by WOUB.
His bond was set at $1 million on May 27 and he remains housed at the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.
He was originally charged with one count of murder and one count of complicity to aggravated burglary in Athens County Municipal Court. Felony charges are not typically tried in municipal court.
An arraignment is scheduled for July 20 in Athens County Common Pleas Court.