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Christopher Anderson Leads MaleSurvivor to Assist Abused Males

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Christopher Anderson is the executive director of a national organization called MaleSurvior – an organization dedicated to assisting and advocating for men who have suffered some form of sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse of males is a major issue and it often is under-reported, according to Anderson. He notes that, at least, one out of every six American males are sexually abused before they reach the age of 18. Some statistics have the number even higher.

Often males do not come forward and disclose their abuse for fear of the ramifications of disclosure. This often results in lifelong battles with self-esteem, problems with intimacy and relationships, addiction issues, PTSD and other forms of self-loathing and sometimes self-destruction.

Anderson, himself a survivor of sexual abuse, heads MaleSurvivor which is dedicated to helping men with issues originating with abuse.

MaleSurvivor has a new website – which features discussion boards and chat rooms where survivors can talk with one another about issues they confront. It also provides access to resources where abused males can receive help and counseling.

MaleSurvivor also sponsors Weekends of Recovery, across the country, where survivors gather with other survivors to begin healing – under the watchful eyes of therapists and counselors.

Anderson and MaleSurvivor also advocate against sexual abuse of males and they attempt to enlighten the public about the terrible ramifications of this type of abuse. Both Anderson and MaleSurvivor were quite vocal in the Penn State sexual abuse controversy involving former football coach Jerry Sandusky.

Anderson also tours the country speaking to various groups and the news media to raise awareness of the life-long ramifications of male sexual abuse.


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