
Uber Driver Delivers Ohio Overdose Victim To Police Station

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ROCKY RIVER, Ohio (AP) – Police say a man who overdosed on heroin was revived by firefighters after a driver with the app-based, ride-hailing service Uber delivered him to a police station outside of Cleveland. reports the Uber driver took the 42-year-old passenger to the Rocky River station Tuesday after noticing that the man was unconscious. Firefighters resuscitated the man with the opiate antidote Narcan and a cardiac defibrillator before taking him to a hospital.

Police say their investigation was continuing and the passenger could face criminal charges. Rocky River Police Chief Kelly Stillman says heroin was found in his wallet. Stillman says the man had no heartbeat when he was brought to the station.

The news site reports that the passenger returned to the station Wednesday to retrieve his belongings and apologize.