Ohio Sexual Assault Survey Finds Improvements Over Past Year
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A state-administered campus climate survey finds significant improvements in sexual-violence prevention efforts over the past year among higher education institutions in Ohio.
The Department of Higher Education’s Changing Campus Culture initiative released updated survey results Friday. The state has allotted $2 million through the initiative to help colleges and universities address sexual violence.
The survey found 92 percent of participating campuses are collecting sexual-violence data and 77 percent have awareness campaigns, compared to roughly one-third a year earlier.
All the private, public and community-technical colleges surveyed reported offering prevention trainings to staff, faculty, campus police and students, up from 33 percent.
Trained responders to support survivors of sexual assault are now in place on 95 percent of campuses, confidential advisers at 85 percent, up from 41 percent.