Kasich’s Teacher Externship Scrapped
By: Jo Ingles | Statehouse News Bureau
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The part of Gov. John Kasich’s budget that would have required teachers to spend time shadowing business leaders in order to renew their licenses has been scrapped.
Kasich has been adamant about his plan, pushing it in his State of the State speech earlier this month.
“I want to make sure that our teachers, when they go for their re-license, that they spend a few days working in a business, learning about the work force needs of a community.”
It isn’t a surprise that the teacher externship, as it was often called, is not in the House version of the budget, given the comments House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger and Senate president Larry Obhof made about it, including at the State of the State speech.
House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger “I’ve been pretty clear where I stand on this so….”
Senate President Larry Obhof “I’ve been pretty clear where I stand on it too.”
Teachers unions had opposed the idea as well.