
Toddlers Drive Then Crash Family’s Car

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RED HOUSE, W.Va. (AP) — Authorities in West Virginia say a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old took their mother’s car for a 3-mile (5 kilometers) ride on a curvy, winding road before crashing it and escaping unharmed.
The boys took the car from their mother’s house Monday. Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese said Wednesday officials think the brothers worked together to steer the vehicle, but aren’t sure because they haven’t confessed details. The car crashed into a ditch.
Deweese told news outlets deputies didn’t find the mother until nearly an hour later. He says she thought the boys were playing in the front yard.
The children were checked out at a hospital but had no injuries.
Deweese says authorities are working with the prosecutor’s office and Child Protective Services to determine whether charges are warranted.