News Students from the Tri County Career Center wait for members of the community to fill up their seats in need of haircuts. A group of seniors studying cosmetology, ages 16-18 years old volunteered to give haircuts to members of the community as a donation to the event. (Hannah Schroeder/WOUB) Photos: Athens Area Stand Down Posted on: Sunday, October 8, 2017 < < Back to Melinda Ledet serves food, with other Athens residents and students, that was donated by Kroger to the event attendees on October, 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Food preparations for the Athens community members who attended and volunteered at the Athens Area Stand Down on October, 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Barbara Collins (left), Charlotte Pedigo and Kim Roberts (right) talk and all help fold the clothes they collected through The Plains Church of the Nazarene for the Athens Area Stand Down on October 6, 2017, at the Athens County Fairgrounds. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Clothing rests on tables in one of the main donation buildings for local residents who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless and local veterans at the Athens County Fairgrounds. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Charlotte Pedigo is a volunteer helper with The Plains Church of the Nazarene and helps to fold all of the donated clothing they have collected for day’s event. The church has received increased numbers of donations over the past years and has had to increase the number of drives they host so they can distribute all of their goods to the community. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) David Williams tries on a pair of Rocky boots to test their size. The Rocky brand donated over one hundred pairs of boots for the second year in a row to support this event and the Athens community. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Students from the Tri County Career Center wait for members of the community to fill up their seats in need of haircuts. A group of seniors studying cosmetology, ages 16-18 years old volunteered to give haircuts to members of the community as a donation to the event. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Kim Hilliard (left) and George Bice (right) gets their hair cut by Madison Touvell (left) and Laiken Hamilton (right) who is a senior studying at the Tri County Career Center. Instructor Rebecca Dicken brought seniors in high school from her class to give free haircuts to the attendees at the Athens Area Stand Down on October 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Kim Hilliard gets his hair cut by Madison Touvell who is a senior studying at the Tri County Career Center. Instructor Rebecca Dicken brought seniors in high school from her class to give free haircuts to the attendees at the Athens Area Stand Down on October 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) George Bice gets his hair cut by Laiken Hamilton who is a senior studying at the Tri County Career Center. Instructor Rebecca Dicken brought seniors in high school from her class to give free haircuts to the attendees at the Athens Area Stand Down on October 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB) Kim Hilliard gets his hair cut by Madison Touvell who is a senior studying at the Tri County Career Center. Instructor Rebecca Dicken brought seniors in high school from her class to give free haircuts to the attendees at the Athens Area Stand Down on October 6, 2017. (HANNAH SCHROEDER | FOR WOUB)