
Bryce Warner in 2015 showing off for mom. Photo by Grace Warner

Families Offer One Another Hope Following Tragic Loss

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In 2015, my brother, Bryce Warner, 16, of Dayton, Ohio, took his life. Since then it has been my mission to tell this story: In 2008, our community lost a dear friend, Jocelyn, daughter of Mandy Hartlage, at the age of 15. Seven years later, our community was shook by the news of my brother, who was friends with Mandy’s son, take his life as well. Watch how these two families gave each other hope and strength to continue life and move forward after being connected by this tragic loss.

If you are dealing with mental-health issues or suicidal thoughts, visit the suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

If you are a reporter covering such a death, visit mha.ohio.gov/suicidereporting to learn more about how to report on a story.